The 3 Things Missing From Your Content Strategy Right Now

On a scale of hedgehog cake, how do you feel about writing content today?

Content can feel like a beast you want to drown out with bourbon instead of stare it in the eye, slap it across the face, and own it.

When you think of all the moving pieces, like emails, Facebook posts, Instagram stories, LinkedIn articles, and blog posts to keep people coming back to your website, it feels like climbing Mount Everest and you’re not even a hiker so basically fuck that.

So what happens next?

You bitch about writing content to your business bestie and all of a sudden Facebook ads for content planners descend on your newsfeed and you’re like, well played Facebook.

You click.

You have exactly 23 different content planners now.

And they’re all so damn serious.

*Robot voice*

  • You must post 3 times a day or else the algorithm will fuck you up.

  • You must find your brand content pillars and only write about them so help me god.

  • You must nail your social media bio or else people will judge you.


Shall we bail on this kind of content planning? Lets.

What’s missing in your whole content strategy right now comes down to three things:


Make content a pleasure. Not a punishment.

A pleasure for you to create. A pleasure for your people to engage with and then plot twist, PAY YOU!

Because it’s unsustainable to run a business that comes with a constant undercurrent of anxiety every time you need to post a damn freaking photo on Instagram?!


Entertain the pants off your people so they don’t even know they’re being sold to. And then when the buy now buttons shows up, they love you for it.

Become the Super Bowl instead of the 30-second sales pitch at halftime and you’ll never have to hard sell again.


Gone in 8 seconds.

That’s the average human attention span thanks to technology. This means you’ve got to captivate your audience long enough to break through the 8 second barrier and into attention-holding territory which is where the sales are made.

When you write content that’s pleasurable, entertaining and compelling, you have fun making money consistently.

Want my FREE template for re-engaging your list & following after ghosting them?


Hey! I’m Elizabeth

Marketing strategist with a decade-long track record of helping clients make bank and Founder of Write Or Die where we help you sell the shit out of your offers.

Learn more


Content Strategies

Sales Funnels

Email Marketing


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