Freshly Baked Sales. How To Write Words That Sell Instead Of Send People To Sleep

Sourdough. I prefer mine chargrilled and drizzled with olive oil, personally. Usually topped with heirloom tomatoes, avocado, chilli, and coriander.

Yeah. I’m a breakfast wanker. But if going to eat carbs, I’m going to eat them right.

There’s nothing worse than bread that’s been sitting in the fridge for a week. I won’t touch it. Not even for toast.

And there’s nothing worse than words that have been sitting on your website for much longer.

Stale words.

They make our brains yawn.

Which sucks because no matter how powerful your message is, no one’s paying attention.

It’s not going to hit them in the heart. It’s not going to have an impact. It’s not going to sell.

Let’s replace those stale words with freshly baked, and hot out of the oven words.

How To Freshly Bake Your Words:

1. Replace the summary with excruciating detail.

Summary word: coffee

Detailed description: Wet beans that cost $4.75.

Summary phrase: When I’m not writing words, I’m Netflix and chilling.

Detail description: When I’m not writing words, I’m snuggled into the Homer-Simpson-sized butt dent in my couch, studying up on other people’s scripts, which just so happen to get made into TV shows and I can stream for $15 a month.

Summary idea: Live your best life.

Detailed description: Never ever have to wake up to the sound of a rude ass alarm that’s beeping at you to rinse and grind. Ew.

2. Take your cliche and switch out the ending.

Cliche: I wouldn’t trade it for the world

Fresh endings:

I wouldn’t trade it for all the homemade tiramisu in Italy.

I wouldn’t trade it for $1 shot night at the local.

I wouldn’t trade it for all the cheesy margarita pizza.

Cliche: Have your cake and eat it too.

Fresh endings:

Have your cake and eat it with no regard for serving sizes.

Have your cake and don’t forget the ice cream too.

Have your cake and enjoy every single spoonful.

3. Slide-in some side notes.

In real life, when you’re telling a story you go off on tangents constantly. Add in a side note or tangent.


So I’m getting down and dirty with a sales page makeover session. Kind of like that one time, at band camp.

The results speak for themselves. And is it just me, or is the 5:2 diet all the rage with the parentals? I mean my uncle does it, my parents do it, Eddie’s family friends do it. They definitely know their niche is all I’m saying.

People buy people. So you better show some personality. Sure, you might not want to tell the whole world about your sex dream with Harry Styles, but you need to give your people something.

4. Rewrite time

Head on over to your sales page, have a read through, find one yawn-worthy word, phrase, or idea and rewrite it using one of the techniques above.

5. Publish!

Be the char-grilled sourdough drizzled in olive oil of your industry. It sells every time.


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