How To Create A Bunch Of Content Ready To Go That People Actually Read
You sit down to write an email to send to your community. Against all odds, you stared down the blank page and won. You sit on your throne, like the Content Queen you are.
You hit send.
You look at your watch. Time to write your post for LinkedIn, social media, and potentially your blog too. Your brain pulls out a metaphorical gun and holds your creativity hostage.
‘Give me a coffee, salted caramel chocolate, and a goddamn break - or your creativity gets it’
Your motto is always to negotiate with terrorists so you do exactly as demanded.
The result? One email goes out. And your social media accounts drift off into the cyberspace.
What if I told you there’s a secret in the marketing world that no one talks about but everyone’s doing. And it’s a lifesaver when it comes to creating consistent content that people actually read.
It’s called repurposing.
So, what is repurposing?
It’s taking one piece of content and making slight tweaks and edits to it (if necessary) before sharing it across your platforms.
Why repurpose?
Well, repurposing content leads to more content—quality content that people actually want to read and then BUY THINGS—and the more of that you have online, the greater your online presence will be.
And why not write fresh content every single day?
Because it's a total drain. On your energy, your time, and your creativity. It’s time to work smarter, not harder.
There’s a marketing rule that says people need to be exposed to your message 7 times before they say yes. Whether you believe magical number 7 or not, we can all agree that people need to be exposed multiple times to a message before receiving it and taking action on it.
It’s time to start repurposing content regularly.
The way to repurpose content isn’t to start with an email or a blog or a social media post in mind. It’s to start with a message.
This message is compatible with emails, blog posts, LinkedIn, and socials so you can write it once and use it for the entire week, sharing your content across all platforms.
Each message can give you 8 posts to share across all your platforms.
Let's goooooo.
Repurpose 1: The Blog Post
Always publish to your website first and get your content indexed by Google. Then, repurpose it elsewhere. Doing this means that Google sees the source of the content and gives that credit to your website rather than to social media platforms.
The title so it’s search engine friendly.
The call to action so it’s evergreen and timeless.
Repurpose 2: The Email
After you’ve posted on your blog, it’s time to send the message to your mailing list. Treat your current community like royalty + they’ll be walking advertisements for you. That means giving them first dibs of your message every time.
The subject line so it’s intriguing enough to open.
The call to action so it’s got built-in urgency.
Repurpose 3: LinkedIn + Medium
When you write a post on Medium, it removes the face of your content - that's you + your brand. What that looks like is, whenever someone reads something on Medium they end up saying “I read this article on Medium” not “I read this article written by you.’
It’s the same thing with LinkedIn
So use Medium + LinkedIn to promote your blog.
End your article with a call to action and text that points back to the original content on your site.
Repurpose 4: The Socials
Now it’s time to repurpose on social media. You can take the entire message and repurpose across all platforms.
Remove references to emailing / inbox / hitting reply.
Repurpose 5: The Stand Out Quote
There’s always going to be a golden nugget of wisdom in your message. A truth bomb that stands out. When you find it, repurpose it.
Take the truth bomb quote, share it.
Repurpose 6: The Story Snippet
Most messages have a story element to them. The start of this post? It’s a story about you writing content. Use this to build connection.
Take the story section of your message and add to it.
Repurpose 7: The Education Snippet
As a thought leader of your industry, there’s always a teaching moment in most messages you write. Use this to educate.
Remove everything else and only share your educational tips
Repurpose 8: The Engagement Snippet
Every single message you write should have a call to action at the end. It doesn’t have to sell every time, it could be a question you ask or the next step they should take. Use this to spark a conversation.
Take the question or call to action at the end of your message and use it on social media.
When you start practising this method of content creation, you’ll have more than enough content to show up every single day of the year across all your platforms without spending all your time and energy doing so.
Remember, it’s not about creating more.
It’s about writing it once and repurposing it across all your platforms to get your message across.
Make content creating great again.