Makeover Your Home Page, About Page And Sales Page In 60 Minutes Flat [Video Training]

Let’s play kiss, marry, kill with your website.

Because every website can be categorised into three types.

The website where your body is attracted to how it looks, but it makes your brain angry. That’s a kiss website. 💋

The website that makes you want to buy. That’s a marry website. 👰

The website that leaves you completely and utterly confused. That’s a kill website. 🔪

Many entrepreneurs spend their time and energy becoming the kissable website. With graphics and visuals that are oh-so pretty, but they’re still not making the sale.

And let’s give a special shout out to the entrepreneurs that turn a blind eye to their website, hoping and praying people don’t actually go there.

If you’ve got a kiss or kill website, then I’ve got your back.

In my free masterclass Kiss, Marry, Kill: A Website Copy Masterclass I’m going to makeover three websites live that’ll take home pages, sales pages, and about pages from a boring-and-broke before photo to a stunning-sell-anything-while-sounding-like-you after shot.

With only small but significant edits, these powerful word tweaks will show you how you can change your website in an hour and get instant results.

In this masterclass, you’ll learn:

  • Copy hacks that hook your people in on the home page

  • What to add, delete, and change on your sales page stat to go from yawn to sales frenzy

  • What to write, what not to write on your second most viewed page - your about page - so you can finally talk about yourself without sounding like a d-bag.

These copy edits will help you:

  • Grab the right kind of attention from your ideal clients

  • Position yourself as the expert with personality

  • Sell sell sell

Makeover Your Home Page, About Page And Sales Page In 60 Minutes Now


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