The Rules You Should Rebel Against

In Hollywood, there are so many rules when it comes to getting your boobs through the door, and I’m not talking about becoming a size 0.

Take getting a manager, for example.

The rules are:

✖️ No cold emailing.

✖️ You need to be recommended + introduced to your manager by someone.

✖️ The manager is the gatekeeper to production companies.

The industry is, like, so serious, you guys. 🙄

You can bet your ass I’ll be following those rules to get a manager.

But you know what else I’m going to be doing?

💅 Cold emailing managers I’m cherry picking.

💅 Speaking directly to talent.

💅 Doing everything I can to open my own damn gates.


Because rules were made to get black out drunk and forgotten.

There’s always another way.

And it’s the same with your business.

The fact you’re in business means you’re already the exception to the rule. It’s time to break the rules to bend the odds in your favour.

🙅‍♀️ Never feel pigeon-holed into doing what the popular kids are doing.

🙅‍♀️ Never feel like the only way you can sell is high ticket if you want to do a membership.

🙅‍♀️ Never settle for one way.

Are you ready to rebel against the rules of business that are holding you back?

💸 Want a website that sells while you sleep? Rebel against the idea that websites don’t sell.

💸 Want to make $5k from every single email you send? Rebel against the idea that emails are dead.

💸 Want to be seen as the go-to expert in your industry using social media? Rebel against the idea that social media is a business killer.

Stand out from behind the safety of your desk and get paid.


Shadow Banning. Algorithms. Organic Reach. Game The System Once And For All.


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