Why Copy And Why Now.

In 2012 I went back to university to get my Master of Speech Pathology because I was absolutely certain that helping people communicate was my jam.

To study my Masters - which was basically like a full-time job - I had to quit my actual full-time job and move in with my grandma.

While there's nothing aspirational or sexy about being a 28-year-old living with her grandma, I'm so grateful I got to be her housemate.

When she passed away in August 2015, I spoke about this at the funeral. About how she’d stay up later than me watching a new ep of Scandal, cook the best damn chicken schnitzel you've ever tasted, and that her secret remedy for a cold was a shot of warm vodka with pepper.

During these years I was head down bum up in textbooks and lectures and tutorials.

I've seen a lot of university-mocking in the online business world, where people think going to university is a complete waste of time, and they learnt nothing compared to <insert affiliate-link for an eCourse here>.

I’m calling bullshit.

What I learnt in my speech pathology degree turned me into an expert in communications.

I don't treat anyone as a speech pathologist anymore, but my copywriting agency helps business owners and brands by crafting copy that disrupts, delights, and delivers results.

So, communication.

It's the one thing humans need in order to not exist in a vacuum.

Because even if you've had a stroke and you can't speak and write - you still need to communicate.

Your life depends on it.

And so does your business.

Your business depends on your ability to communicate in a way that makes sales.

So let me tell you about the communication process.

You’ve got a brilliant marketing idea. A genius spark of inspiration. You send this genius idea to your brain and attempt to make sense of it all.

You start to put your intended message together. You start to transform that abstract idea into a communicable marketing message.

You encode it with words.

It's time to share your encoded message to your audience. You blast it out your message via your platforms: your website, your emails, your Instagram, Facebook. and Twitter.

And you wait for your audience to read your message, and respond with a purchase.

But, before your audience can respond with a purchase, first they have to decode your message.

Your audience has to interpret the message exactly the way you intended, understanding the source of your message and where it came from.

Then, they have to feel it.

Does it make them feel like they're missing out on something if they don't buy?

That's the communication process every single time you create and share a marketing message.

With six stages in the communication process, there are:

  • SIX shots for your message to fail.

  • SIX chances for miscommunication to occur.

  • SIX times to botch the sales process.

With six stages in the communication process, there are also:

  • SIX opportunities to make an impact.

  • SIX opportunities to change someone’s mind to a hell yes.

  • SIX opportunities to increase your sales.

Your choice.

Our team of copywriting experts ensure your marketing message is encoded and decoded correctly every single time. We’ll get you the yes and our copy will bring you home the bacon.

We write words that sell, strategically and without compromising on your brand tone of voice. In fact we elevate your tone of voice. Deliver on your marketing campaigns. Convert browsers to buyers, all while injecting chunky dollops of personality into your content.

Want our help? Click here to check out our services >>


I Would Marry Email Marketing If I Could.


A - Z Of A Boring And Broke Business