Your Business Revolution

You didn’t start your business to make resolutions.

You’re creating a revolution.

Your very own movement to overthrow the old ways that just don’t work for you anymore.

This isn’t about short term goals like making $5k in January.

It’s bigger than that.

You’re making history.

The first woman in your family to run a sustainable, profitable business until she’s 85 and then hands it over to her successor.

This is your revolution.

Running a business that not only feels so damn good in your bones, but is felt the world around by your ideal clients. The confidence to stand up and own your true potential and power. Oh, the places you’ll go. A movement, a voice, a message that will make you money.

This is your revolution.

It’s time to throw out your $5k per month goal and get real.

Your Revolution Checklist

Business Model Revolution:

If you’re running a 1:1 model business and your business revolution is a membership then you’re going to need a different business model.

You can’t just add on a membership site to your current Wordpress account and think it’s going to sell.

You’re going to need to change the way you show up.

Ideal Client Revolution:

If one day you dream about working with big corporate clients, speaking at their workshops and events, then you’re going to need to stop speaking to solo entrepreneurs and start speaking to your corporate clients.

My client and business bestie Clare picked up the phone and cold called a corporate client. Two years later she’s fully booked with corporate speaking gigs across the country.

Marketing Plan Revolution:

Want 2020 to be the year you master your email marketing? Then your marketing plan is going to need a refresh.

What are your objectives when it comes to email marketing?

What can you test and measure?

What's your marketing schedule + editorial calendar?

How are you going to give yourself time and space in your day to implement?

Sales Revolution:

Have you decided that this is the year you're going to stop offering free coaching calls and instead stand in your power with your services + offerings? Then you're going to need to replace your discovery calls with another sales technique.

The best way to replace sales calls is to sell with your words.

Visibility Revolution:

It’s not about getting a few more followers or a hundred more people on your list. It’s about being seen as the expert you truly are. As the leader. As the go-to in your industry.

The only way you’re going to get seen for anything is to be visible.

That means getting a schedule, understanding what your people want to see, and being consistent.

It’s time to deep dive in how you’re showing up online, and in the spaces between, and create a revolution around visibility.

Welcome to your business revolution.


The Magic Pill Method


Failure To Launch