Your To-Do List Is Sabotaging Your Success

Do you know how much money you need to make today?

What's your sales target?

Sure, you might know what you want to make a year.

Any takers for 6 figures?

What about making $10k months?

It’s so hot right now to make 5 figure months.

So, how much money do you need to make every time you show up in your business?

Say you take Saturday + Sunday off. Cos we’re not slave drivers. That means you’re working about 20 days a month.

If your monthly income target is $10,000 then you need to make $500 today.

That means after reading this, you need to make $500 appear out of thin air and into your bank account.

How does that feel?

Scary? Intimidating?


Sounds about right.

I’ll tell you why in a moment.

But first, get out your to do list.

It might look a little like this:

>> Launch new course

>> Set up Facebook group

>> Decide themes and posting schedule for group

>> Post on IG

>> Edit media page

>> Record webinar

>> Promote my 5 day Challenge

>> Write chapter of my book

>> Get Facebook ads up and running

>> Complete course on Pinterest

>> Release new coaching package to work with you

>> And then some.

You wake up and stare at this list of essential business tasks and instead of making $500 today you feel like you’re drowning in a sea of overwhelm with no raft in sight.

You jump from task to task, half-assing your media kit and half-heartedly emailing people about your new package.

From 9-5 you’re all over the place.

And it’s because your to do list isn’t anchored in your sales targets.

How you show up on a daily basis isn’t aligned to make you that $10k you so desperately wanted this September.

Your to do list is sabotaging your success.

And while you try to tackle that beast of burden day in day out, it’s not in alignment with making $500 today.

Which means you’re missing the whole point of business.

Making money is your only focus.

If you’re not focussed on making money, you’ve got a hobby. And hobbies are awesome. My mate is a manager in corprate by day and a singer / songwriter by night. She’s playing a gig this Sunday with her band. And she loves it. But her to do list today isn’t about posting about her gig on Facebook and expecting to get paid $500 today.

If you’re a serious business owner and your sales targets and sales process are all over the place, take a look at your to do list. It’s sabotaging the shit out of you.


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