Part the sea of sameness, stand out in the crowded online space, carve out your lucrative corner of the industry… and make a shit tonne of cash doing so.


Stop saying things worth ignoring.

Want to get fully booked with a bank account to show for it? Of course you do. You didn’t start a hobby. You started a business. One that should be paying you.

Want more visitors, more engagement, and more recognition for your work? No shit Sherlock. You didn’t start any old business. You started one that lights you up on the daily. Of course you want there to be a ripple effect.

Then stop prattling off the same-same substanceless shiz.

Finding your message matters.

Your message is the emotional piece to your sales puzzle that you just can’t seem to solve.

Communicate your message right, and your clients start to feel. And when you make them feel something, they buy something.

You’ve got to share your opinions. You’ve got to take a stand on certain issues. You’ve got to express your personality and share true stories about your life and work. You’ve got to be distinctive.

You’ve got to nail your message.

Your message is the difference between fully booked and fully broke.

Imagine shooting off an email to your mailing list and making $10,000. Minimum.

Imagine being reached out to by industry peers wanting to quote your work.

Imagine reaching more people, growing your list, and hanging up that fully booked sign.

That’s the power of your message.

Right now though, things are a little different.

No matter how many times you edit your email, it’s still not quite right but you don’t know why or how to fix it.

You read over your work and want to delete it immediately. It’s cringe-worthy and you haaaate it.

Your message is a puddle of mud that one day you’re talking about self-love, the next social media marketing tips for health coaches.

Your client flow and cash flow seem to be capped at a sliver of the success you’re currently experiencing.

You don’t need more business coaching.

You need a messaging makeover. Of the extreme variety.

Your message gets your peeps riled up, feeling the feels, wanting more of what you’ve got and they’re willing to pay you anything for it.

They become obsessed with you.

Obsessed with every word, every blog, every offer.

And what you get, is real results.


$50,000 in sales.

“I’ve spent thousands on coaching and other programs and have not learnt as much or been able to implement as much as this program.

You have reconnected me to my message, purpose, my own belief in myself and my intuition that had gone missing in the last few months.”


Stop reciting your job description

Most people get really tripped up with their message. What they end up doing is describing their job title.

If you're a marketing coach, you end up saying: I want to help people market their business.

If you're a life coach, you end up saying: I want people to live their best life possible.

If you're a graphic designer, you end up saying: I want to design cool graphics.

It's all really awesome stuff... But it isn't a message...

That’s your job description.

It's awesome to know it and recite it, but guess what? That position description is exactly the same as every other life coach, marketing coach, or graphic designer out there.

Write out your position description right now.

As a [insert profession here], it is my job to [what do you do].

Awesome. This is the first step in getting a crystal clear money-making message.

Now, here’s the thing.

To build an audience that adores you, you need to have something more to say than just reciting your job description.

What does having an audience who adores you mean for business?

They are willing to pay you anything to be around you, be in your orbit and work with you.

The bottom line? Your bottom line grows and you get real results.

So set your job description aside for now. That thing ain’t ever going to change unless you change careers.

And let's focus on the thing that's going to set you apart and create an adoring audience:

Your message.

Your message isn’t just for you to be passionate about showing up daily and doing the work (which is crazy important because this business of yours is a forever dealio).

Having a message means you stand for something.

Having a message takes what you’re doing and adds meaning.

And that means your people can jump on board with what you stand for and become totally obsessed with every offer you ever create.

Your message makes people look forward to reading every email that arrives in their inbox from you.

Your message makes people talk about you to their friends all the time.

Your message makes people share your work, referring to your words and opinions on a topic.

Your message makes people get involved. They engage in your blogs, newsletters, and socials.

But mostly, your message sells your products, services and offers. Every single time.

Marketing isn’t the goal. Compelling is.

Implementing a sales funnel isn’t going to brainwash people into purchasing from you.

So go ahead, stop the sleazy sales.

The thing that makes people drop their money like it’s hot?

Make purchasing a pleasure.

Not punishment.

Join me and let’s give the finger to bad marketing.

Kindly fuck off fear mongering, pushy persuasion techniques, and prostituting yourself out in a way that feels so sleazy you hate yourself the next day

Don’t just stand out in the sea of sameness. Part it.

Your crystal clear message will increase your conversions, magnetically draw your ideal clients to you so you never have to hard sell again, turn your community into raving fans who are obsessed with everything you offer, skyrocket your sales and turn your marketing campaigns into cash. 


$10k in sales.

“I’ve had about $10K in sales since joining the program.

Plus, you’re funny as hell and break down the information so well. I love how you support everyone to go their own unique way with a solid framework rather than jamming the same steps down everyone’s throat.”




A messaging and marketing course to part the sea of sameness, stand out of the crowded online space, carve out your lucrative corner of the industry… and make a shittone of cash doing so.

Get seen. Get heard. Get paid.


What you

Turn your learning into results with accompanying workbooks that’ll help you get out of your head and implementing. Get results from week one.

Every single week we’ll meet for live group coaching, where I’ll help you strategise your next money making moves. Get my strategic brain. All up in your business.

Access to our Private Pop Up Facebook Group where you'll get additional office hours, and Q+A support. No question will be left unanswered.

We’ll be meeting twice a week, online. Once for the learning, once for the coaching call.

This is an interactive program. You'll get direct access + feedback from me. Think of it as having a copywriter + marketing expert in corner for an entire 6 modules (for a gajillionth of the price).

All workshops and Q+A’s will be recorded with cliff notes and sent out to you.

Here’s How Magnetic Works For You:



If you want people to pay you, you better be willing to go balls in with your message, your movement and your opinion.

You better be ready and willing to go in to bat for your business. And you better have something interesting to say.

We’ll work on what makes you the worthy choice, and how you can stand up without shaking in your boots (aka growing a pair that keeps you grounded). 


I’m not a passion pusher. Sure, you need to love what you do, but you’ve got that sorted.

The thing you really need to get clear on: why the hell someone should pay you. And not just because you think you're awesome.

We need to go deep into how the gatekeepers of the cash perceive what you’re selling so we can meet them where they’re at. Miss this step and you may as well be talking to a deaf, mute and blind monkey. And not the cute emoji kind, either.




Marketing as you know it is going to be burnt to the ground and resurrected like a phoenix from the ashes. Dumbledore style.

No sales funnels. No launch plans. No webinar scripts. No more fucking rules. We’ll be getting creative to cut through the noise and develop your very own campaign to whet the appetite of your prospects so when your mic drop moment happens, they’re dropping wads of cash into your bank account.



Each and every word carries a certain wattage. Every word you choose matters.

Will it amplify your message and put you and your work centre stage, or will it send you to the watery grave in the sea of the sameness?

We’ll be actively writing your sales page, website, your emails, your social media updates, together. 



Communication beyond the written word is just as critical as the words that sit on the pages of your website. We’ll magnetise your message when you’re caught on the spot, without a script, speaking to someone in real life, and how to make sure you do what you do justice.

No potential client, ally and superfan will be left behind. 



The plan for you to revel in revenue for years to come.

Troubleshooting shitty words or when you see your super clever and witty words being used by every man and his dog.

How to stay fresh, zig when everyone else zags, and the process of maintaining and growing your confidence when sales fall through (because sales do fall through but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep getting paid).

Every module is built on the last.

“The course taught me to consider things I hadn’t even thought of.

This course isn’t just about teaching skills, this is about discovering who you are as a business owner, who you want to work with and what matters to you.

I clarified my message and found my people. I’m writing better emails that actually get replies. My website sells because people want to keep reading. My Facebook ads actually work... no more spending a bucket load of money for nothing.”

— Tara

Plus These Bonuses —



​​Hollywood knows how to hook people in, make waves, and make a crap tonne of money. That is the official measurement. In this bonus masterclass, I’m going to show you how you can use your love of binge-watching tv shows to cut through the noise, grab your audience’s attention, build the know/like/trust factor, and turn cold leads into ravings fans.



As a business owner who’s tasked to write, speak, and sell there’s nothing we want more than to do it while sounding like ourselves. But what does that even mean? In this bonus training, I’m going to help you curate your brand persona so you’ll part the sea of sameness, stand out in a crowded online space, and carve out your corner of the industry.








Join Magnetic Today

Get On The Waitlist

Doors are closed. Get on the waitlist to be the first to know when doors open again.

Created by Elizabeth McKenzie

Hey, I’m Elizabeth McKenzie. I'm a copy expert and strategic marketing consultant with 10 years of experience under my belt. 

I’ve helped clients increase their revenue by 300%, pull off quarter-million-dollar launches, and scale by selling their first business franchise. I’ve even encouraged others to start their own copywriting business, helping them to carve a lucrative career in a fraction of the time.

I’ve tested every template I'm sharing with you to ensure they come with a proven track record for engagement.

I also played the violin at Hugh Jackman's wedding. I'm practically Wolverine Royalty.

$25,000 in 7 weeks

“I made $25,000 in 7 weeks by defining my edge and developing my message.”

~ Ashleigh Topham

When I get asked "Elizabeth, do I really need a message?

Or can I just use the content templates I purchased for $29?"

My answer:

You positively, absolutely, without a doubt need a message.

Especially if the following five statements ring true for you:

1. “I want to know exactly what to say in all the places I need to show up.”

Templates are great when you’re strapped for time, your mind is drawing a blank, and that damn blinking cursor is mocking you. But will it be your best piece of content? Nope. Will it really cut through the noise and get a front-row seat into your audience's mind? Nope. Will it showcase you as the expert in your industry? Nope.

When you’re tapped into your message, you’ll always know exactly what to say and how to say it without question. And you whip up emails, op-eds, and captions like snap.

2. "I want to become brilliant at engaging and connecting with my McDreamy Clients so much so they’re excitedly whipping open their wallets to pay me."

When you nail your message and use that as the foundation of all your content, you’ll craft emails and captions that captivate your ideal client. Because a captivated client is one who keeps on reading all the way to the buy now button.

3. "I want more..."

Templates will keep you consistent, but if you can’t mould them into your own unique message, then there’s no way you’re going to stand out from the sea of sameness. Which means here you are. Stagnant. The exact same spot, still standing.

If you want to grow your business, expand your offers, maybe get paid to speak on stage, be recommended and referred to constantly, and asked to appear on podcasts as a guest, you need a message that you can expertly translate for the audience in front of you.

4. "I want to be the go-to expert in my industry."

Experts are known for what they stand for. They have a solid message. They know how to articulate it. They know how to translate it. And they know how to confidently communicate it.

The first step to becoming a leader in your industry is to get your message locked down.

It’s about having an original opinion. Being innovative. Showcasing you and your skills. Your message — and how you communicate it — is your key to positioning yourself and your business as the expert.

5. "I want to sell more, easily and effortlessly."

You think getting a bunch of templates makes it easy to sell but without a message, you're just bending words backwards to fill in the blanks and what you end up with is something that just doesn’t move people to action.

What’s easy is when you know what your message is. You write from the heart. It's fire. It's deeply connected to the reason you got into business. And you translate it onto the page in a way that your ideal client picks up what you’re putting down. It resonates.


When you nail your message, you can make waves in your industry and you can get paid well for the life-changing work you do.

This is exactly what we’ll do in Magnetic.

Basically, I want to see you part the sea of sameness, stand out of the crowded online space, carve out your lucrative corner of the industry… and make a shit tone of cash doing so.


An absolute game-changer.

“The course felt like an absolute game-changer for me. It gave me a direct line to accessing my opinion and more confidence to share it. This is a must-do course for any female entrepreneur!

I’ve gotten so much positive feedback from my social media posts, and people booking tickets for my events solely from these posts. This course helped me transform my thinking from “I’m not qualified as a writer” to getting a book deal.”

— Tamara Driessen


  • A: This program is perfect for you if you:

    >> Have a business you’re obsessed with and ready to go boom.

    >> Have had some level of success but want to take this to the next level

    >> Have a love for sharing your work, even if you think you’re shit

    >> Want to market your business without the ick, the sleaze, and actually get results.

    And it’s NOT ideal for you if you::

    >> Want to make a quick buck with no true passion or purpose behind it

    >> Just started this business to get out of the 9-5. I work with born entrepreneurs

    >> Are so damn desperate for the money that you’ve bought into every ‘$5 million in 5 minute’ quick fixes.

    >> Don’t have anything passionate to say or opinions to share

  • A: The program runs from 8 April 2024 through to mid-May 2024.

  • A: The program is taught via video, on screen presentations, plus workbooks. Not only will you see my precious face, but you'll also see my screen where I'll explain and demonstrate the concepts you'll be learning, kind of like we're in the same room together.

    These lessons are live, meaning there'll be a scheduled time for you to jump on and learn with me in real time.

    All lessons are recorded. You'll be able to access the recording immediately after the lesson has finished.

    The lesson plan schedule will be sent out a week before the course begins.

    In addition, each week there will be a Q+A coaching call that is scheduled for all students to attend. These will also be recorded.

    Lessons will be communicated to the student via email and our Private Facebook Group.

    The lessons plus the workbooks are designed to get you taking results driven action from the get go.

    Plus, there’s a private Facebook group for additional Q+A support.

  • A: If you would like personalised feedback from yours truly, plus the chance to win prizes weekly, then yes.

    You can sign up and take the course at your own leisure utilising the replays.

  • A: Live calls will be weekly on Friday at 10am AEDT.

    They’ll be recorded and uploaded into the learning portal if you miss them.

    You’ll also have a chance to submit any questions if you can’t make it live.

  • A: You’ll get instant access to the student portal where you’ll receive your welcome packet, student survey so I can get to know you and your business, and instructions on orientation week.

  • You’ll be able to ask me and the crew any questions you have inside the private Facebook pop-up group. It’s the perfect space to find accountability buddies and support each other through the process of showing up to get seen, get heard and get paid.

    It will be open for the duration of the program (six weeks) and I’ll keep it open for another month so you have time to save any information you need and exchange contact details with others in the group.

  • A: I’m going to be straight. You don’t need to be taught how to set up and run a business. You don’t need to be taught any more of that.

    What’s happening is you’re saying things worth ignoring.

    Your audience gets bamboozled (and not in a really fun theme park kinda way) with information at every minute of the day, and what you’re currently doing is adding to it.

    It’s hard for someone to say: OMG A million times YESSSSSSS when what you’re saying is the same and 10 or 20 or 50 other people.

    Your message is the KEY to clients + cash.

  • A: For 6 weeks, I’m expecting you to put time aside. To schedule it in. 2-3 hours a week. To show up and get the job done. Because once you hit publish on your newly minted messaging campaigns, that’s where you’ll get your time back. You’ll stop drowning in marketing activities that take up all of your precious time without getting results and instead you’ll have clients banging down your down and sales notifications pinging while you sleep.

  • There are no refunds. Once you commit, you’re committed. Wanna chat first to make sure we’re a good fit?

    Email me and you’ll be the first to hear back from me.

  • A: Sure, you can outsource your sales page. But you’re hiring a skill that leaves the moment you pay the invoice.

    There’s always a situation where you’ve got to communicate what you do. And do it in a way that makes sense to your audience. And it’s got to be persuasive.

    It’s these moments in between that really make the difference in getting more sales, more sign ups, and more success in your business.

More Students, More Results —

Just in case you thought you were a rare unicorn that can’t get results. Peep these guys, they’re killing it.


 “I clarified my message and found my people. I’m writing better emails that actually get replies. My website sells because people want to keep reading. My Facebook ads actually work, so no more spending a bucket load of money for nothing.

Elizabeth will help you find your message, your people and your voice. This course will help you overhaul your business for the better.”

~Tara Fitness

“The best bit about working with you is your passion, enthusiasm, professionalism and literally taking the time to see and love and support each person.

I loved how you aren’t afraid of calling people out when they need to step up and the sisterhood & community you created for us.”

~ Lara, Marula Wellness

“I ended up putting that bit of writing on Facebook and got a pretty huge response.

We did over $1000 in sales online that day AND sold around 10 pairs of the breeches last week! Much better than normal.”

~ Sarah, One Stop Horse Shop

”The course has legitimately been the best investment I’ve made for my biz to date. The support was second to none and I now consider Elizabeth a business bestie.

I was honestly surprised at how all-encompassing the course material was. Not only did I learn how to create epic copy, I was able to get super clear on my message and finally grow some balls to share it with the world.

Take some advice from Nike and Just Do It.

Oh, and me? I’ve sold a spot to a course that hasn’t launched yet, overhauled my entire website (copy and look) and finally started to create a funnel to increase my list! I feel SO much more confident in my biz and you’ve given me a newfound energy and excitement about it!

~ Elise, Elise Danielle

"Elizabeth has an incredible talent for messaging, copywriting, and how to best to convey your ideas and movements. Elizabeth helped me connect to my ideal clients in a way that is authentic and my unique style.

It was an absolute pleasure working with her on my messaging and copywriting, and I love the work we created together. She is not only talented in her work but is also a good friend and mentor. If you want to master your message, and grow your business, I strongly recommend you talk to Elizabeth!"

~ Elva Li

“One of my recent articles has appeared on Mama Mia!

Without Elizabeth’s amazing advice and guidance, I wouldn’t have ever been brave enough to write articles on what I was passionate about.

I found my confidence y’all!!”

~ Nicole Knox-Gray

“I’ve got more confidence, and I’ve learnt how a business can run successfully and grow quickly via communication and engaged community.

The program is effective AF. Do the work and you will get the rewards.”

~ Ceri, Healthy Party Girl

“I’ve had about $10K in sales since joining, and as a copywriter myself, I’ve implemented everything I’ve learnt not only with my own copy, but with my clients, too.

Plus, you’re funny as hell and break down the information so well. I love how you support everyone to go their own unique way with a solid framework rather than jamming the same steps down everyone’s throat.”

~ Hollie Tkac

“I loved the calls we had each week. I found the information in them to be so valuable. It’s not information I’ve ever heard before.”

~ Lisa, Your Family Budget

“This is hands down the best course I ever invested in and I have invested in about 10 courses in the last 2 years!

Elizabeth has cared more and invested significantly in my biz even after the course closed. I can honestly say if I had not done this course I would have missed out big time.

P.S. I didn't know Elizabeth before finding her on Facebook and now I feel like I have a business and copy coach on my side. so so gooddddd!!!!!

~ Michele Wienstien

“I've waded through only half the content but the last five posts I've shared on Facebook have been the most consistently engaged content ever.”

~Emma Shields

Closing words

I’m just a fucking rad copy expert and strategic marketing consultant standing here telling you to get out of your own way, own your message and make your marketing work for you.

It works. And it’s worth it.

As are you.

Join Magnetic today.

Get On The Waitlist

Doors are closed. Get on the waitlist to be the first to know when doors open again.