How To Re-Engage Your List After Ghosting Them For 6 Months

So I’m on a call with a new client. She’s keen as mustard to get her email welcome series up and running. So am I. Those bad boys are how you build rapport, grow your business, and make sales. It's about turning your cold leads into hot-under-the-collar obsessed buyers. 

Being the nosy bitch I am, I ask her about her current community.

The answer: 2,000.

Not bad. 

Before I talk about how with the right copy we’ll be converting about 5% of that list she cuts me off. 

They haven’t heard from her in 6 months. 

They don’t even know who she is. 

They’re dead. 

So naturally she wanted to delete every single contact from said dead list and start again. 

Which I totally agreed with. Not. 

Repeat after me: Do not delete your list just because you haven’t emailed them in 6 months. 

Now follow what I told my client to do.

How the re-engage your list. 

Step 1. Write an email on a topic relevant to your industry. 

The email should be relevant to the reason they signed up to your list. Not a topic about how you’ve been absent. Or that you’re finally back and you swear you’re going to be consistent. Or a big long winded reason as to why you haven’t emailed and the ayahuasca trip you took in the Peruvian jungle.  

Let’s circle back here on what to do:

Write an email on a topic relevant to your industry.

Step 2: Send it.

That’s it.

I get it. 

You’re scared. You think people will judge you. They’ll notice you haven’t been in their inbox. They’ll start a revolution against your business. They’ll put a hit out on you by the email marketing mafia to take you out for not being consistent.

Came down, drama person. 

The actual things that’ll happen:

  1. They unsubscribe. Guess what? This happens all the fucking time. Even when you are consistent. This is a non-event.

  2. They’ll read it and be like: Woah, this bitch is rad. I’m going to keep opening emails!

  3. They’ll read it and hit reply and say: OMG I missed your emails. How can I pay you?

So, if you haven’t emailed your list.
And you’re stalling your ass off because you’re trying to find the perfect poetry to write explaining your absence. 


Ditch the sob story.

Write something relevant to your industry.

Send it.

And then schedule time in your calendar to write to them again this week.

And then schedule time in your calendar to write to them twice next week. 

You’re back, baby.

Consistent communication gets you everything you want and more. 

It brings all the clients, cash, and opportunities to the yard.

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