Why Sales Scripts Don’t Work

Scripts don’t work. Just ask my husband.

I’ll literally tell him word for word what to say.

“Hey babe, you’re heading to Hong Kong for 5 days, can you please say I’m going to miss the way you hog all the blankets and sleep like a starfish”

Or I’ll be like:

“Hey babe, I’m stressing out about my movie coming across as a cliche, can you please say your ability to dwell on the weird way you said hello to the neighbour this morning is a gift”

But you know what?

Every single time I give him the script to say, I’m never convinced when he actually says it.

I’m not buying what he’s selling.

And it’s the same thing when you use any kind of business script.

Your tone is completely off. Your energy is out of whack. You sound like a robot.


But the worst part of using a script? You come across completely inauthentic.

Your tone of voice is your fingerprint.

It makes you sellable.

Want to kill competition dead?

Love the sound of your own voice.

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