The Quickest Way To Make Cash Today

Marketing is all about building connection. Clients are all about connection too.

There are two types of marketing in the online business world at the moment.

One is broadcast marketing.

That's when you're blogging, you're on social media, you're emailing your list. You're doing all the content and if I were a betting woman I'd say that you're currently broadcast marketing.

Go you! Marketing! Whoop!

Don't roll your eyes at me just because no one's buying right now.

Here's the deal.

Broadcast marketing takes time.

And how quickly you get clients will depend on how skilled you are in writing words that sell.

There's another type of marketing.

One that fast tracks your connection and get clients today by getting personal.

I call it micro marketing, and it’s the quickest way to get fully booked.

How do you do it?

Find someone you want to work with.

Email them personally.

I did this when I first started my copywriting business 5 years ago, and I got 5 clients in a week.

It works.

The catch? You actually have to have the balls to go reach out to people.

To help you grow a pair, I've created 3 email templates for you to use.

Get personal. Get the sale.

Micro Marketing Templates:

Email #1:

Dear <first name>,

I’ve been thinking about your [something you love about them / a recent project they’ve done / a goal that you already know they have].

So I’m writing today with a wee proposition. Something that, I hope, sounds even more exciting than [something you know would excite them… a lot!]

It’s all about [list specific outcomes that you know this person is looking for].

I’d love to get on the phone with you about it all.

What do you think?


Email #2:


I’m seriously in love with your [latest blog post / new website / article / something this person has recently done that you noticed and loved].

You’re an inspiration and you’ve totally motivated me to [what you did with the motivation].

Thank you.

OK: onto the business of the day.

You’re getting this note because I know you’ve been wanting [list outcomes of what you know they want]

And well, I can help you get it. In fact, it would be pleasure to help you get [goals].

I’d love to jump on the phone to chat it out with you.

When are you free?

I can’t wait to hear from you!


Email #3:


If I was a betting woman, I’d say the number one problem you’ve got right now is [tell them their biggest issue].

No, I’m not a crazy stalker.

I just know my dream clients.

And I know that situation sucks.

The great news is, I’ve helped so many of my clients completely overcome [their specific issues] to achieve [their specific outcomes].

Which means I can help you too.

Happy dance!

I’d love to get on a quick call with you.

How does that sound to you?


Want to fast track your sales? Get your micro marketing on.

To quick cash in your bank account stat.


Two Things 99% Of Coaches Do That Make Selling Damn Hard.


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