How To Turn Your Thank You Page It Into A Cash Cow

The Thank You Page.

It's the page that immediately follows your lead magnet / opt-in page.

And *most* business owners have left their thank you page looking like an abandoned warehouse with generic images + basic ‘thanks for signing up’ copy.

Your thank you page is the fastest way to turn your new-found fan into a buyer.
 And not just a once-off ‘tight ass’ buyer.

Because the psychology of selling states that once people have bought from you they’re more likely to purchase something else. Even when they’ve purchased something that’s low-end.

So delivering an offer at a no-brainer HELL FUCKING YES price is where your business becomes a cash cow.

When you sell on your thank you page, two things happen:

  1. You accelerate your relationship with your buyer, meaning when it’s time to sell your core offer, they’re 10 times more likely to buy from you at your high-level offer.

  2. You’re making money automatically, passively. An internet marketer’s wet dream.

Sure. emailing is amazing. No doubt about it. Emails are my jam, but the truth about email is that 60% of your list (that's if you have an open rate of 30%) just don’t know what your core offer is. Yes, even after you nurture the relationship.

Emails get lost in cyberspace.

Emails get sent to promotions folders.

Emails get accidentally deleted before they’re even been read.

Turn your reader into a buyer on the thank you page and not only will you turn them into a raving fan, they’re 10 times more likely to purchase your big kahuna core offer.

10 new clients who buy a $20 offer.

Turn into 10 new clients who buy a $2,000 offer.

It all starts with the thank you page.

If you’re not selling something on your thank you page, you’re missing out.

If you’ve been spending money growing your list on Facebook but it seems to take your people FOREVER to make a purchase.

If you’re finally ready to start making automated passive income in your sleep.

If you’re ready to stop running a business that stops when you do.

You’re ready to create a thank you page offer. Also known as a tripwire offer.

Here’s where a lot of people get tripped up in what they should be offering on their thank you page.

They end up trying to upsell to an offer that isn’t right for where the buyer is at in the buying journey.

They end up trying to sell their big kahua offer. But those cold leads who’ve just signed up aren’t ready for that.

Your thank you page offer must follow naturally FROM your opt-in TO your big kahuna offer.

When you nail this, you get:

  • High-quality, low-cost opt-ins,

  • Sales immediately on your thank you page

  • And a list primed and ready to buy your big offer.

And that’s exactly how you get your business making money on autopilot.


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