Write Or Die

Writing coaching for creative entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and storytellers who want to turn readers into raving fans.

Unlock Your Voice & Tell Stories That Sell.


You’ve got a novel inside you, but every time you sit down to write, you freeze. You start, stop, and rewrite the same sentences, unsure if your voice is coming through or if anyone will care.

You know your story has the potential to resonate deeply with readers, but right now, it’s not even close to hitting the page the way you imagine it in your head.

What if you had someone to guide you—someone who could help you find your voice, refine your storytelling, and turn your half-formed idea into a fully realized novel that captivates readers?

You’re an entrepreneur with something to say—more than just the standard business content. You’ve started a newsletter because you want to create a deeper connection with your audience, but each time you hit "send," it feels like you’re talking to an empty room.

The open rates are low. People aren’t engaging with your stories, your insights, your ideas. You’re starting to wonder if your voice is really coming through or if you’re just adding more noise to an already crowded inbox. You know that with the right approach, your emails could be binge-worthy—something your audience eagerly awaits each week.

You’re a thought leader with a growing audience. You’ve built a strong following, and people respect your expertise. But when it comes to turning that content into conversions, something’s not clicking. You’re creating posts, blogs, and emails that get decent engagement, but when it comes time to ask for the sale, your content falls flat.

You know your work is impactful, but you’re missing the key ingredient—storytelling that drives action. It’s not just about putting out good content anymore; you need something that sticks with your audience, something that moves them to trust you enough to invest in what you offer.


You’ve got something to say—now it’s time to bring it to life with words that resonate, convert, and turn readers into raving fans.

This is the 30-day writing coaching program that will help you refine your voice, develop your storytelling skills, and turn your words into a powerful tool for connection and growth.


Who Is This For?

Creative Entrepreneurs & Thought Leaders

You know that storytelling is at the heart of your business. Whether you want to write a binge-worthy newsletter, craft impactful content for your personal brand, or refine your messaging, this program will help you sharpen your voice and tell stories that resonate with your audience.

Aspiring Authors & Storytellers

If you’ve dreamed of writing a book, getting published, or even launching a Substack newsletter that readers can’t wait to devour, this program will provide you with the guidance, structure, and feedback you need to bring your ideas to life.

For anyone who:

  • Struggles with finding their unique voice and needs a coach to help them clarify it.

  • Wants to create content that feels authentic and turns casual readers into loyal fans.

  • Is ready to turn ideas into fully realized stories—whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, or content for their business.

  • Needs expert editorial feedback to improve their work and gain confidence as a writer.

I got you.



How We Roll —

2 x Private Coaching Calls (30 minutes each).

We’ll dive deep into your project, whether it’s a book, content strategy, or storytelling skills. Use these sessions to discuss your goals, work through creative blocks, or refine your voice.

Editorial Feedback (Up to 20 pages).

You’ll get detailed, personalized feedback on up to 20 pages of your writing. I’ll help you improve structure, clarity, and style to ensure your story or content packs a punch.

Session Recordings + Actionable Notes.

Each session is recorded, and you’ll receive a recap email with key takeaways, resources, and personalized recommendations to guide your writing journey.


What My Clients Have Said About Coaching With Me

Elizabeth was the kick up the ass I needed to step into my voice and be confident with being heard. She helped me find my tone and perspective and place in my industry that was spot on for me.

I loved the unabashed confidence, expertise and skill Elizabeth has to take a piece of work and turn it into something magical.

People are commenting and engaging FAR more than ever on my blogs, social and newsletters. I’ve never had comments before and now people can stop.

I’ve got a newfound confidence in not hiding behind jargon and being so academic, but being a real and helpful thought leader in my industry.

Elizabeth is world-class with what she does — the ability to turn content into a compelling story that sells not only the services or products but the brand - it’s poetry and alchemy combined.


Before working with Elizabeth, the only kind of content I was sharing was educational. And I was barely doing that.

I quickly realised that no one connects with an instruction manual.

When I started working with Elizabeth, I was introduced to the topic of thought leadership. Through our content, we started positioning my business as the go-to expert in the industry and you know what? People started referring to us as the go-to experts.

Elizabeth has the impeccable skills to find the right story angle so the content always feels like it’s mine. We’re finally consistent and can see the flow on effect with our webinar registration rates, and client enquiries.

My thought leadership is now something that’s fully integrated into my business, and it helps us go from strength to strength as industry leaders.


I've 10x’d my investment and now embody my unique voice.

I knew Elizabeth was the one as soon as I saw her website.

When she said that what I had was a content problem not a strategy problem I was like YES finally someone gets it.

I’ve struggled to find my authentic voice for YEARS and as a result, I was either mimicking other people (+ not being authentic) or just plain going dark and hiding.

After just 6 weeks of working with Liz I've 10x’d my investment and now embody my unique voice.

Elizabeth is a genius!


Here’s why it works —



Your voice is your greatest asset. This program helps you uncover what makes your voice unique and how to use it to stand out in a crowded market.



Whether you’re writing for business or pleasure, storytelling is the key to engagement. Learn how to structure your stories so they hook readers from start to finish.



Craft stories, newsletters, blogs, or social media posts that your audience can’t get enough of. This isn’t just about writing—it’s about creating content that converts.



My editorial feedback will help you take your writing to the next level, whether you're polishing your manuscript or fine-tuning a piece of content.



Whether it’s finishing a novel, launching a newsletter, or improving your business content, this program is designed to help you turn your ideas into fully realized projects that captivate and convert. You’ll leave with a clear path forward, ready to take action.

Write Or Die


Write Or Die -

Your Investment:

$497 for 30 Days of 1:1 Coaching + Feedback

You’ll walk away with more confidence in your writing, practical strategies for improving your work, and a clear plan for moving forward—whether it’s with a book, a blog, or content for your business.

*Strictly 5 spots a month.


  • If you have more than 20 pages, we can absolutely discuss reviewing additional work at a custom rate. The base package includes 20 pages of feedback, but if you’re working on a larger project like a novel or a substantial body of work, I’m happy to offer additional editorial support.

  • If you have more than 20 pages, we can absolutely discuss reviewing additional work at a custom rate. The base package includes 20 pages of feedback, but if you’re working on a larger project like a novel or a substantial body of work, I’m happy to offer additional editorial support.

  • This program is designed to be flexible and works for both business and personal writing. Whether you’re crafting binge-worthy newsletters, writing a novel, or refining the content for your brand, the focus will be on helping you tell powerful stories that resonate with your audience.

  • Yes! Many clients find that they want ongoing support. After the initial 30 days, you’re welcome to renew and we can continue building on the progress we've made. You can sign up for another month to dive deeper into your project or tackle new writing goals.

  • Once you sign up, I'll send you a link to schedule your 1:1 sessions. We’ll coordinate times that work for you over the course of the 30 days, and each session will be personalized to focus on your current writing goals or challenges.

  • That’s totally fine. Whether you’re looking to develop your skills or just want guidance to strengthen your voice and storytelling, we can create a plan that aligns with your personal writing goals. You don’t need a finished manuscript or fully-formed project to get value out of this program.

  • For the best results, we'll focus on one writing project per month. This allows us to dive deep into your work and make meaningful progress. If you have multiple projects, we can prioritize the one that needs the most attention during the 30 days, and you’re welcome to focus on a new project in future months if you decide to renew.

  • Due to the personalized nature of this coaching program, all sales are final and no refunds are offered. However, I’m committed to your success, and I’ll work closely with you to ensure you get the most value from our time together.

  • Can't wait. Sign up right this way >>