Games Of Thrones Your Sales Page Copy
If your sales page isn’t selling for you, it's time to break out the Games Of Thrones copy and send your ideal clients into a buying frenzy.
Here's how to write a hella compelling sales page in two steps:
Step 1. Externalise Your Goal.
Your client wakes up one morning and thinks: Is this it?
They’re not happy. They’re stuck in a rut. The commute to their 9-5 is slowly grinding them down. They take a close look at the life they built and it’s not enough. House. Car. Husband. Kids. They’re not enough. In all the doing and go-getting they forgot to find happiness in the everyday mundane life. They’re completely and utterly unhappy. And you’re here to help them find happiness again.
Seems like the perfect building blocks for a solid sales page, right? Wrong.
While it’s super important to know what your client is both thinking and feeling, happiness isn’t a compelling or strong enough reason to pay you.
Why? Because happiness is an internalised thought and feeling.
And because it’s internalised, there is no marker for success.
How will someone know if and when they’re finally happy?
No marker = no valid reason for someone to pay you.
So how do you sell happiness?
You externalise it.
You take the internal and intangible goal of ‘happy’ and you find the actionable, external and specific goal that shows happiness.
It could be:
👉 Making $20,000 a month consistently
👉 Throwing the wedding party of your dreams.
👉 Competing in the Olympics weightlifting team.
When you sell any of these, your client can absolutely see the marker for their success. Or not.
They’ll know if they were at the Olympics. Or not.
And that’s worth paying for.
Step one to writing a compelling, pay-you-anything sales page is this:
Externalise your goals.
Step 2. The Stakes
What are the consequences if your client doesn’t achieve their goal?
Because if they could happily go about their life without achieving their goal, your sales page won’t convert.
Their comfort zone is a safe alternative to paying you. Which is how you end up with a sales page that doesn’t sell.
If there’s something to settle for then there are no stakes.
And when there are no stakes you don’t get paid.
People need a compelling reason to hand over their cash.
When writing your sales page, externalise the goal and make sure there are sakes, and you’ll turn your reader from ‘hmmm, that’s nice’ into a buyer who’s desperate to throw their money at you immediately. No rapport necessary.
Let me end this here.
Game Of Thrones doesn’t say:
Winter might be coming. Winter could be coming.
Game Of Thrones says:
Winter Is Coming.
And that is hella compelling.
If your sales page is getting decent views but no one is buying, it's time to break out the Games Of Thrones copy.
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